Important Note: You can right-click any file or folder and the same context-menu will appear that you see when you right-click the file in a normal folder window, with one difference: no Rename option will be shown. To rename a file or folder, use the Rename option built into the Mask utility (File/Rename or F2).
File / New / New Window (Ctrl+N)
Opens a new Mask window on the same folder. This lets you easily view two different sets of files side by side, or switch to a different folder in one window to compare contents. You can also open a new window for a particular folder by right-clicking the required folder in the Folder List and choosing Open in New Window.
File / Delete (Del)
Deletes the selected file(s), moving them to your Recycle Bin as in a normal folder window.
File / Rename (F2)
Opens a dialog allowing you to rename the selected file or folder.
Tools / Copy ToĆ
Lets you copy the selected files to a chosen folder.
File / Properties (Alt+Enter)
Displays the Properties sheet for the selected file or folder.
File / Close (Ctrl+Q)
Closes the Mask window.
Edit / Cut (Ctrl+X)
Cuts the selected file(s) to the clipboard, moving them to the new location when you paste.
Edit / Copy (Ctrl+C)
Copies the selected file(s) to the clipboard.
Edit / Paste (Ctrl+V)
Pastes a file currently on the clipboard into the folder. (NOTE: you may not see this file in the Mask window if your current mask doesn't match its name.)
Edit / Paste Shortcut
Pastes a shortcut to a file you've previously cut or copied to the clipboard. (See the Note above.)
Edit / Select All (Ctrl+A)
Selects all the files in the current folder.
Edit / Invert Selection (Ctrl+I)
Changes the current selection to deselect any selected files and select all the currently-non-selected files.
View / Show All Files
A toggle option which (when checked) will any display hidden and system files in the folder that match the current mask.
View / Show Folders
Shows or hides folders in the file-viewer pane.
View / Folder List
Shows or hides the resizable folder list pane.
View / Large Icons : Small Icons : List : Details
Switches the current view style to the chosen style.
View / Mask (F4)
Provides a quick way to select the Mask field on the toolbar without sending the mouse up there. Just type a new mask and press Enter to apply it.
View / Reset Mask (Ctrl+F4)
Resets the current mask to *.*, displaying all files in the current folder.
View / Mask By Selection (Ctrl+M)
When one file is selected, choosing this option resets the current mask to display only files with the same extension as the selected file.
View / Refresh (F5)
The Mask window monitors any changes you make to the current folder in a different window and applies them automatically. This is an option to refresh the window if you want to be absolutely sure that you're seeing the current state of the folder accurately.
View / Up One Level (Ctrl+Backspace)
Switches to the current folder's parent folder (still retaining the current mask).